Our Causes

DOLLS at Celebration Hope Center


The Blaze Planner has been an avid supporter of D.O.L.L.S  since inception in 2018.  The Founder, Gale Carter, has spent over 14 years developing a successful on-campus ministry for young girls and young women to become Christ followers, and disciple makers with boldness, accuracy and urgency.  She has worked tirelessly with a small team of volunteers for over a decade and recently secured an amazing space for their ministry in The Hope Center, in Dallas Texas.



We were so impressed with their mission and the quality of their efforts, that we committed to support them as an ongoing effort with part of the Blaze Planner profits on each product sold.  With each planner and/or product that you purchase, between 1 and 5% of the purchase price will be allocated to the D.O.L.L.S. ministry.



We hope you will join us in prayer and support for this amazing ministry!


