Lighten Up! Why having fun is important.
What a year 2020 has been! Some days don't you just want to wake up and find the giant "Easy Escape" button, and somehow everything will go back to "normal." I remember not that long ago complaining about how overwhelming the busyness of life is and praying hard for things to slow down. Well God certainly answered that prayer! (Sorry guys.)
Did God somehow alter the course of history so I could have a few days off? We may actually not know the answer to that this side of heaven - ok that's a little dramatic, - but the short answer is no. God is not surprised by pandemics, politics, or disrupted plans. He is Omniscient (all-knowing), Omnipresent (everywhere at once), and Omnipotent (all-powerful). So my misguided and pitiful attempts to "take back control" is an exercise in futility; not to mention just a tad bit faithless. God's got it!
We all know that too much stress is not good for our mind and bodies. In fact, medical professionals say that prolonged stress can weaken your immunity and contribute to many long term diseases like obesity, diabetes, cancer, stroke and others. It can even re-wire your brain to cause anxiety, extreme irritability, and even depression.
So what are some quick and easy steps we can take right now to shore up our faith and have a little fun along the way?
- Spend time with Him in a fun atmosphere! Nothing is more comforting than gazing into the face of God through prayer, worship, and His Word. Create your very own "nest" that is a relaxing, welcoming, and beautiful - even if that is at one end of your couch or the corner of your bedroom (or even your closet!). Add colors you enjoy, light a candle, and maybe fill a prayer basket with your Bible, a journal, your planner, your favorite pens and highlighters. Make the space worthy of the One you're encountering. Create note cards or sticky notes of verses that you want to memorize. Have a beautiful mug for your favorite beverage (even if that's just plain water). Keep your favorite snugly blanket nearby.
- Take it outside. We need sunshine and air that is not conditioned! On good weather days, go for a brisk walk, start a container garden, buy a used piece of exercise equipment and put it out on your porch, balcony, or even the garage (keep the door open when you exercise). Do an outdoor photo shoot with props, have an outdoor tea party (appropriately social-distance if needed) with your own food and drink to avoid sharing handles, utensils, etc. Take your laptop or phone outside and hold a Zoom or Face-time "coffee with a friend call," and have them do the same on the other end. It is so important to see faces during these times! If you have little ones, this is a great way to get them outside and to oversee their activities while having some fun yourself!
- Laughter is the Best Medicine. The Bible says in Proverbs 17:22 that, "A cheerful heart is good medicine….." Sometimes we just need a good belly laugh! Watch a Tim Hawkins, Chonda Pierce, or Michael Jr. video. Read a book by Patsy Clairmont or Barbara Johnson. I can still watch, "I ain't doin' it" social media posts from Heather Land. So FUNNY!
So lighten up! Turn off the news. Stop scrolling for a minute and have some intentional F-U-N! Your mind, body, emotions, family, and friends will thank you!!